
As a private company wholly owned by the North London Waste Authority (NLWA), we work closely to provide innovative solutions like our mattress recycling initiative and diverting items to our ReUse Shop that benefit everyone. We take sustainability seriously and work hard to reduce waste.

The relationship between LondonEnergy and NLWA is close and cooperative, delivering a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable service. As a publicly owned company with NLWA as our sole shareholder, we can ensure that we deliver value for money to the communities we serve. In 2023, LondonEnergy returned over £10 million in a huge dividend windfall payment to local taxpayers. The windfall, resulting from price rises in global energy supply markets, was in stark contrast to the dividends issued to shareholders of the big energy companies.

Additionally, NLWA Members, elected public officials accountable to council taxpayers, are on the board of LondonEnergy, ensuring both entities work together effectively and in the best interests of the residents they serve.

Freedom of Information (FOI)

FOI gives the public the right to ask us for recorded information we hold on any subject that falls under our remit (unless specific exemptions apply). You can find out more about the Act from the Information Commissioner’s website.

To reuse, recycle and create energy from waste for our communities.